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Liquid scintillation counting


Background: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Liquid scintillation counting is a standard laboratory method in the life-sciences for measuring radiation from beta-emitting nuclides. Scintillating materials are also used in differently constructed "counters" in many other fields.


Samples are dissolved or suspended in a "cocktail" containing an aromatic solvent (historically benzene or toluene, but more recently less hazardous solvents have come into favour) and small amounts of other additives known as fluors. Beta particles emitted from the sample transfer energy to the solvent molecules, which in turn transfer their energy to the fluors; the excited fluor molecules dissipate the energy by emitting light. In this way, each beta emission (ideally) results in a pulse of light. Scintillation cocktails often contain additives that shift the wavelength of the emitted light to make it more easily detected.


The samples are placed in small transparent or translucent (often glass or plastic) vials that are loaded into an instrument known as a liquid scintillation counter. The counter has two photomultiplier tubes connected in a coincidence circuit. The coincidence circuit assures that genuine light pulses, which reach both photomultiplier tubes, are counted, while spurious pulses (due to line noise, for example), which would only affect one of the tubes, are ignored.


Liquid Scintillation Counter


Counting efficiencies under ideal conditions range from about 30% for tritium (a low-energy beta emitter) to nearly 100% for phosphorus-32, a high-energy beta emitter. Some chemical compounds (notably chlorine compounds) and highly colored samples can interfere with the counting process. This interference, known as "quenching", can be overcome through data correction or through careful sample preparation.

High-energy beta emitters such as P-32 can also be counted in a scintillation counter without the cocktail. This technique, known as Cherenkov counting, relies on the Cherenkov radiation being detected directly by the photomultiplier tubes. Cherenkov counting in this experimental context is normally used for quick rough measurements, since it is more liable to variation caused by the geometry of the sample.


Principles and Applications of Liquid Scintillation Counting
Principles and Applications of. Liquid Scintillation Counting. A P. RIMER FOR. O. RIENTATION. ¨C National Diagnostics Laboratory Staff. Principles ...


Use and Preparation of Quench Curves in Liquid Scintillation Counting
protocol. For other LSC¡¯s (1600,1900, 2100, 2200 and 2300) ..... correction in a liquid scintillation counter. In Peng, C.T., Horrocks, ...


Liquid scintillation counting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liquid scintillation counting is a standard laboratory method in the life-sciences for measuring radiation from beta-emitting nuclides. ...


LIQUID SCINTILLATION COUNTING. Liquid scintillation counting is an analytical technique which is defined by the incorporation of the ...


Liquid Scintillation Counting

In the early 1950's, the first attempts were made to detect 14C by the Liquid Scintillation (LS) counting method. In the 1940's, Broser and Kallman (1947) ...
www.c14dating.com/lsc.html -


Available Liquid Scintillation Resources (from PerkinElmer)

Application Notes (16)

Brochures (6)

Technical Info (3)

Certificate of Analysis


MSDS (5)


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