1. PCR (General Procedure)

RT-PCR Protocol 1.

1. cDNA synthesis

500ug/ml Oligo(dT)12-18 1 ul
10 mM dNTPs 1 ul
Add 0.5-2 ug RNA, and make up to 12 ul with sterile water
Heat to 70 centigrade for 10 minutes
Chill onto ice directly
Briefly centifuge

Add DEPC water 1 ul
5x first strand buffer 4 ul
0.1 M DTT 2 ul
Mix the vials gently
Incubate at 42 centigrade for 2 minutes
Add Super III ( or other retrotranscriptase) 1 ul
Incubate at 42 centigrade for 50 minutes
70 centigrade for 15 minutes

The synthesized cDNA can be used for following PCR procedure, or kept at minus 20 cetigrade.

2. PCR

cDNA 1 ul
10x PCR buffer 1 ul
10 uM primer 1 1 ul
10 uM primer 2 1 ul
10 mM dNTP 2 ul
ddH2O 12.5 ul
Taq polymerase 0.5 ul (1U)
Run the following program:
I. 95 centigrade 2 minutes for 1 cycle
II. 94 centigrade 30 seconds
55 centigrade 45 seconds
72 centigrade 1 minute for 30-36 cycles
III.72 centigrade 7-10 minutes for 1 cycle
IV.Hold on 4 centigrade

The PCR conditions, especially the anealing temperature, are changeable according to
the specific gene to be amplified and the kit you use.

RT-PCR Protocol 2. RT-PCR Protocol

Web Guider

Ch 1.General Lab Techniques

Ch 2.Molecular Separation

Ch 3.DNA and RNA

Ch 4.Genetics

Ch 5.PCR Serials

Ch 6.Protein

Ch 7.DNA Protein Interactions

Ch 8.Immunohistoch / immunology

Ch 9.Cellular Biology

Ch 10.GC/MS, NMR and Proteomics

Ch 11.Animal Experiments

Ch 12.Worm: C. Elegans

Ch 13.HPLC and TLC

Ch 14.Buffers formats in Lab.

Ch 15.Other Resources

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