DNA Isolation and Related Protocols




  1. Genomic DNA Isolation
  2. Genomic DNA Isolation from Specific Samples


Working with DNA


DNA is a big molecule, but it's still so small that there is no way to physically manipulate DNA.

It is all done chemically using enzymes like reverse transcriptase, polymerase chain
reaction (PCR), sequence analysis, and restriction enzymes. Reverse transcriptase makes

DNA copies of RNA, PCR makes multiple copies of a particular gene and restriction enzymes

cut DNA at specific locations or nujcleotide sequences in a DNA molecule. These reactions

are all carried out in vitro without ever seeing a DNA molecule.


DNA storage: Genome DNA can be kept at 4 centigrade refrigerator, while we store plasmid DNA

                       and cDNA at -80 centigrade.

Concentration Measurement: DNA concentration (ul/ml)=OD260nmx50x(fold of dilution)

Purification: It should be pure enough for regular experiments, if the OD260nm/OD280nm is between




Reference 1. DNA World



                   2.Video Show about DNA (click to reach the video source)

















Web Guider

Ch 1.General Lab Techniques

Ch 2.Molecular Separation

Ch 3.DNA and RNA

Ch 4.Genetics

Ch 5.PCR Serials

Ch 6.Protein

Ch 7.DNA Protein Interactions

Ch 8.Immunohistoch / immunology

Ch 9.Cellular Biology

Ch 10.GC/MS, NMR and Proteomics

Ch 11.Animal Experiments

Ch 12.Worm: C. Elegans

Ch 13.HPLC and TLC

Ch 14.Buffers formats in Lab.

Ch 15.Other Resources

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