DNA Isolation and Related Protocols
quality of DNA.
Some reports have described obtaining mtDNA. using techniques based on the preparation of spheroplastis or. isolation of mitochondria
(6,15 ...
Protocol 4. Purification of mitochondrial DNA.
A minimum of 2-3 g wet weight of cells are
necessary for one DNA extraction (preferably 10-20 g). The cells are harvested in the early stationary phase by ...
5. Fossil Hominids: mitochondrial DNA
1997) claimed to have extracted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a piece of bone cut from the upper
arm of the first recognised Neandertal fossil, ...
Protocol 6. Mitochondrial DNA
Analysis at the FBI Laboratory (Topical List ...
Web Guider
Ch 8.Immunohistoch / immunology
Ch 10.GC/MS, NMR and Proteomics